Saturday, February 21, 2009

Al Gordon Snowflake 5K

Ran the Al Gordon Snowflake 5K in Prospect Park this morning. Home court! There were so many runners for Prospect Park. It felt like well over 5,000 but actually there were 3987. It was cold but sunny; had a BLAST. Need to work on pacing a bit. Started out strong, but tried to go fast too soon in the last mile. Need to save the sprint for the last 200 yards or so...
3.2 miles still feels like a long run/jog. Tomorrow I am supposed to do 9.5 miles for the training. Hoping for the best!

5K finish time: 31:14
Pace/Mile: 10:04

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Big loop

This week -- Tuesday and Thursday mornings -- I extended my distance and ran/jogged the big loop in Prospect Park. The loop itself is about 3.4 miles but door to door it's about 4 miles.

Feel great! Glad I'm able to get back into it... 5K this Sunday in the park :-)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Slow Recovery

I think the cold I had last week set me back more than I thought. Tried to run 8 miles today -- and it was a gorgeous, sunny, 56 degrees -- but after being out of the game and probably from my short jog yesterday, I just didn't have it in me. I did a mostly walk/jog around the loop and that was it. Decided I can do my 8 miles next Monday (holiday). Will run the full loop this Tues & Thurs ams, and then the 5K race on Sunday, and then will do the 8 miles on Monday to catch up with the training plan!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Back on the road! - again!

Whew. It's been rare that I get out for a jog these days. After last Sunday's race, I was knocked out with the bad cold that's going around. Today was the first day I felt at at all clear, after a 12-hour sleep and a lazy, lazy day. So at 4pm I went for a mellow jog/walk loop around the park. I'm supposed to do 8 miles tomorrow... I hope I can do it!

Today's run (jog/walk): 4.16 miles approx 50+ minutes

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Gridiron Race - 4 miles in Central Park

OK, I suppose this is what I get for running only once in two weeks! My pace/time this morning was slower than the last race (though it was less mileage). My pace was 10:40 compared to 10:34, even though at 10:34 I had never run 5 miles or a race before and I regularly run 4 or almost 4 miles.
Henry ran, too. I came in 4,378 out of 5,256 and Henry came in 239th! Because we were early (overestimated how long it would take to find parking), we had a coffee and I bought into the hype of going fast... so I burned out during the first mile, went WAY too fast. I was wiped by the end of the 2nd mile and went much, much slower than my normal pace for miles 3 & 4.
Lesson learned: start out slow & steady, build pace. Oh, and run more often!
Next race is the Valentine's Day 5K in Prospect Park in 2 weeks. Hopefully I'll do better...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another Cold Run: 7 miles

The temperature has dipped again! It was 18 this morning when I woke up so took my time getting out the door and it was in the low 20's by late morning when I headed out. Wore dri-fit socks, nike dri-fit thermal tights and pants over them, nike dry-fit thermal turtleneck, dri-fit shirt over that and my windbreaker. Oh, and a new headband and gloves since I left mine in Montauk! Many, many layers but it may have been too heavy -- was hard to get started! But at least I was warm (my non-dri-fit bra was soaked when I got home).
I had my new running playlist to listen to, so that was nice for a change for my long run. I have already thought of edits.
I jogged to Prospect Park and then did two loops. The first loop was actually the hardest. Two loops meant two hills!! But it's good to practice those since the April 1/2 marathon in Central Park is the full two loops -- including the north hills. Yikes!
My pace was slow and steady and I walked for almost 2 minutes halfway through. I kept reminding myself that I had just done a 5 mile race two weeks ago, and this was only two more miles (which I felt like I could have done after that race).
Now I realize I have done 1/2 the full mileage I will be doing in April for the 1/2 marathon. And it's only January!!

Today's run: 7 miles at 79 minutes (includes a 2 minute walk)
Also, since I missed writing Thursday, Thurday's run: 3.4 miles

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back on the road!

Between the 0 degree weather, the snow and ice, and some tummy troubles, I missed a few days. But I got back on the road for a short, easy run this evening. Running in snow, especially somewhat slushy snow, is a little like running on sand. I think my calves got more of a workout than normal! and I felt it a bit in my ankles too... so I think I deserve a hot bath before bed.
This is the first time I've run in the evening instead of the morning. I definitely prefer the mornings. It was just too hard to get up early today after the long weekend. But now I know, I like it better at the beginning of the day. Although it's good to know the evening's an option if I just can't do it in the am.
The food thing has been a little off the rails -- at least over the long weekend. Time to reel it in!

Today's run: 3.25 miles @ about 38 minutes

PS - it was a bit warmer at 29 degrees this evening :-)